Kaisa & Harax² How to Ride a Bicycle
Kaisa & Harax²
Animated short from 2009
Kaisa is going to teach Harax² how to ride a bicycle. At first Harax² doesn’t want to since it’s a girls bicycle.
But before you know it, with Kaisa on the rack, they go on a bicycle adventure.
To ride a bicycle isn’t really that hard!
In 2009, Bortbyting produced three Kaisa & Harax² shorts. How to ride a bicycle was co-directed by Jenny Hannula and Magnus Fredriksson.
Run time:
In co-production withd:
With support from:
3 min
Filmpool Nord AB and svt.
Norrbottens Läns Landsting
Kaisa & Harax² How to Cut a Tree
Kaisa & Harax²
Animated short from 2009
It’s in the middle of the winter and freezing cold. The coffee and the cinnamon rolls have frozen stiff and all fire wood is gone.
Kaisa and Harax² have no choice but to go outside to gather some firewood. But many dangers lurks in the trees of the forest.
Run time:
In co-production withd:
With support from:
3 min
Filmpool Nord AB and svt.
Norrbottens Läns Landsting and Svenska filminstitutet
Nothing can hinder me
Animated public service announcement from 2009
Public service announcement made for the election to the Sami parliament in 2009.
Produced in cooperation with J&B agency.
The idéa is that nothing can stop the main character from voting (or register for voting), not even a lemming tsunami.
Bortbyting developed concept, charaters, script and music. Yoik and voice over by Ylva Sarri.
The film was screened on svt before the election in 2009 and again in 2013.
I cooperation with:
J&B reklambyrå
Lukas’ Dad is not a Rabbit
Lukas' Dad
Animated short from 2008
Lukas’ dad dissapeared without a trace when Lukas was little. As a grown up he has just moved to the city to start working as a news videographer at a local TV-station.
Lukas thinks his dad is dead but when his new neighbour, Rebecca, finds some clues to the contrary, it’s the start of an adventure in a world of patriotic super heroes, scheming super villains and gigantic battle robots.
With Anton Raukola, Sara Pietikäinen, Ronny Eriksson och Staffan Westerberg and many more.
The film has been screened at svtB, YLE and won first prize in the childrens category at Northern Character in Murmansk 2011.
Run time:
In co-production with:
With support from:
30 min
Filmpool Nord AB, svt.
Norrbottens Läns Landsting, Norrbottens länsstyrelse, Norrskenet AB, Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrbotten, Konstnärsnämnden and Vattenfall Inlandskraft
Fieteri opening
Animated opening from 2005
Fieteri was Swedish public service tv’s childrens show in the minority language Meänkieli. After having aired Kaisa & Harax on the show in 2005, Bortbyting was tasked with making the opening for the show in 2006.
We designed a short sequence in a cut-out style, with some typical Torne valley motifs.
The music for the opening is composed and performed by Ahti Aasa.
Music by:
Ahti Aasa
Music Battle
Kiruna Festival
Animated commercial from 2008
After having made a few commericals for the Kiruna Festival in the late 90’s (at a different employer). Magnus and Martin was tasked with the job again when Kiruna festival wanted their first animated commercial in 2008.
The concept for this commercial was to illustrate the constant battle of the audince attention between the festivals two music stages.
The commercial was shown on TV4 and online.
Kaisa & Harax² Cross country skiing
Kaisa & Harax²
Animated short from 2007
Kaisa is teaching Harax² to ski. After some initial problems, Harax² challenges Kaisa for a competition to the big pie tree.
Who is going to win?
Cross country skiing was one of the two Kaisa & Harax² shorts made in 2007. The film screened in Filmen during the holidays the same year.
In 2011 a longer, HD version of the film, with new backgrounds was made.
Run time:
In co-production with:
With support from:
2,5 min
Filmpool Nord AB and svt.
Norrbottens Läns Landsting
Den blå skon
Den blå
Animerad kortfilm från 2006
I kortfilmen Den blå skon tar vi oss en närmare titt på kärlek och svek i bärindustrin då vi får följa den veke Stig som förråder sin far Blåbärskungen för kärleken till bärplockerskan Andréa.
Vinnare av publikens pris på Drömfabriken 2006.
Den blå skon har visats på ett 20-tal festivaler och ställts ut i konstutställningar och på konstmuseum.
I samproduktion med:
Med stöd av:
4,5 min
Filmpool Nord AB
Norrbottens Läns Landsting
Kaisa & Harax² The big pike
Kaisa & Harax²
Animated short from 2007
Kaisa and Harax² are going out by boat to set a fishing net for the big pike.
Harax² isn’t fond of the idéa since water makes you rust.
kaisa tells hom that as long as they are avoiding the rock in the lake, everything should be just fine.
Will they catch the big pike?
In 2007 two Kaisa och Harax² shorts were produced. The big pike was the second one.
Run time:
In co-production with:
With support from:
2,5 min
Filmpool Nord AB and svt.
Norrbottens Läns Landsting